Sunday, July 18, 2010

Work in process, The Tables at The Narrows

Last week I sorted through some of my photos of the Narrows of the Harpeth, and pulled this pic as reference for my next painting.

...and began this work late last week with a
rough color sketch to study design and color.

The work is in process now, and will be 18x24 pastel on sanded "pastelbord."

I washed in a base color using distilled turpentine and magenta pastel. Most likely, none of the magenta will show after the pastel is layered over, but from past experience this base coat will add vibrancy to the finished work. *

"...but Irish linen does something to their walk..." - Florenz Ziegfeld

Now the fun begins!!!!!

A couple of years ago I uploaded a slide show of pics taken at the Narrows (includes this source pic).
The slideshow is available at :

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