Friday, July 2, 2010

What ya doin'? ...Bits and pieces

I made this to send to my sister.
Her last name is Koons.
I saw this on a friends FB post. Thought it was funny.
The workers had just installed the post barriers
to keep people from parking on the sidewalk.

Notice where the van is parked.........
I've been thinking of my daughter.
She lives in FL now.
Pictures from her are such a treat!

Wolfie loves watching the fish.

After years of "other" priorities, it has been easy to let some things slide; like regular exercise, and daily drawing. I have been working to reincorporate both in my daily routine.

On exercise (that began last March):
It only took a month for my dog, Corgan to come to expect her daily walk/run. If we haven't started by 6:30 am, she begins her obnoxious bark, "I want, and I WANT IT NOW!!!"
Bless her heart, sometimes one of her legs will give out as we walk, causing her to stumble. (she's 13+ years old) ... She just lowers her head and rolls with it, as if stumbling is part of the fun.
When she first stumbled, my thoughts were to slow down. But with each stumble she showed even more determination to keep the fast/steady pace.
She keeps me accountable for an extra hour of daily exercise, now established in my routine.

The DAILY drawing is a routine I have only been working two weeks to reincorporate.
Draw/Sketch for 20 minutes every day, regardless of any art project in the works.

It's not routine yet, because conscious choice is still involved,
but I'm lowering my head and rolling with it.

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