Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Graciously Shared

Like many people, I am drawn to old weathered trees. There seems to be a wisdom about them, graciously shared through their size and life-mapped bark.

One such tree caught my eye during a trip to Montgomery Bell State Park last week, the base of the tree significantly swollen and scarred.

Circling around the tree, a glint of white seemed out of place in the dirty browns of the bark.

How odd to find that the glint of white was a mushroom settled into a weathered crack,
with another mushroom higher up in the bowl shaped scar.

A natural "Relief Sculpture"

I wasn't wearing my glasses when I took these pictures, so details weren't visible to me 'till viewing on my computer screen.

My first thought was, "Darn. Those gnats sure ruined that pic."

But thinking further, the circle of life came to mind,

Tree ~ Feeding Mushrooms ~ Feeding Gnats.

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