Sunday, August 28, 2011

Rats in the cellar

I do not post enough art here to question this for myself, but I do I wonder how much Activists In Guerilla Internet Tactics affect fellow artists. Especially artists whose work challenges mainstream ideas. Heads up for those who prefer steer clear of politics, it is from a Tea Party Training class. ... If nothing else, it's good to know the rules some play the game by.

Quotes from the above link (Activists In Guerilla Internet Tactics):
"So what do we do? We become digital activists. We identify the medium. We learn the medium. We manipulate the medium. It was the printing presses then, it's the internet now. That's where we influence the hearts and minds of our fellow citizens."

"Here's what I do. I get on Amazon, I type in Liberal books. I go through and I say 1 star, 1 star, 1 star. The flip side, you go to a conservative, Liberaterian, whatever, go to their products and give them 5 stars. Okay? So literally 80% of the books I put a star on, I don't read. So, that's how it works. Okay?"

"The American Liberty Tour, where we go to 18 cities. We hold presentations like this. ... Educational seminars."