Wednesday, February 23, 2011

With Prayers of Peace and Hope

It is unsettling when peaceful voices in need are met with disregard.

It is deeply disturbing when leadership attempts to stop those voices with violence.

This drawing is from an AP photo dated 02-17-11, and is of a woman outside a Bahrain hospital.

The 02-17-11 news article (with the source photo of the drawing) relayed the violent pre-dawn government response to peaceful camping protesters still asleep in Pearl Square, Bahrain.

I join many others in prayers of peace and hope for all people of Bahrain.


With unrest in so many countries today, this entry is posted with prayers of peace, hope, and guidance for leaders who listen to their people with wisdom, understanding, compassion, and Non-Violence.

I post this entry with prayers of hope for people who desire to peacefully express concerns, and with prayers of peace and protection for those people who today are in the midst of violence.