Friday, August 27, 2010

Revisiting an older Journal - Breathe - 09-02-96

You heard my voice before you were born.
You heard my voice in the womb.
It was my voice you heard say divide now,
And my voice you heard say divide again.

You heard my voice say, grow a heart now, grow eyes now,
Grow fingers and toes.
It was my voice you heard say BREATHE
When you first saw the light of this world.

You heard my voice say, Laugh when you were happy,
Cry when you were hungry, Scream out when you were afraid.

You heard my voice before the words of this world covered it like a blanket.

You hear my voice.
It is my voice you hear say I CAN.

~KRG, 09-02-96, Journey, 2000

...When you first saw the light of this world.


Remembering the families and friends of Bruce and Daniel,
both taken this month under different circumstances.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Illustration - Past Work

Works created for LifeWay Christian Resources.

From an 8 page teaching project about forgiveness.

Created for a nursery door poster.

At the time I created these, I was more focused on meeting deadlines than archiving work. These are scanned prints left over from my own work-in-process evaluation.